American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research <p><strong>American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research (AJASR) is peer-reviewed, online international journal published monthly.</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN for AJASRDigital Library is ISSN: 2195-1381(Online)</strong></p> <p><strong>AJASRis a highly-selective journal, covering topics that appeal to a broad readership of various branches of engineering , science and related fields.</strong></p> <p><strong>The AJASRhas many benefits all geared toward strengthening research skills and advancing academic careers. Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement.</strong></p> <p><strong>AJASR Author Benefits specific to paper publications:</strong></p> <p><strong>Easy &amp; Rapid paper publishing process.</strong></p> <p><strong>Directions: </strong></p> <p><strong>- Pedagogy and psychology<br />- Philosophy<br />- Exact Sciences<br />- Natural and medical sciences<br />- Technical and technological sciences<br />- Social and humanitarian sciences<br />- Philology<br />- Architecture and construction<br />- Art and design</strong></p> <p><strong>IJAMR is indexed in Google Scholar, Zenodoo, OpenAir, ResearchBib.</strong></p> <p><strong>We have prestigious academic journal reviewers team from world's renowned universities.</strong></p> <p><strong>Open Access Journal Database for High visibility and promotion of your articles.</strong></p> <p><strong>"AJASR" is steered by a distinguished Board of Editors and is supported by an international review board consisting of prominent individuals representing many well-known universities, colleges, and corporations in the? Germany, United States,United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, India, Middle East and many more.</strong></p> <p><strong>To maintain a high-quality journal, manuscripts that appear in the AJASR Articles section have been subjected to a rigorous review process. This includes blind reviews by one or more members of the international editorial review board, followed by a detailed review by the IJAMR editors.</strong></p> <p><strong>We help our authors to advance in all different branches of Multidisciplinary Research.</strong></p> en-US American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2195-1381 Лингвокультурные И Социально-Педагогическая Потребность В Развитии Коммуникативной Компетентности <p>Профессиональная подготовка переводчика требует таких качеств, как высокая культура,<br>энциклопедические знания, их регулярное обновление, широкий круг интересов. Формирование<br>переводческой компетенции способствует всестороннему развитию личности будущих переводчиков:<br>у них формируется чувство бдительности и ответственности, умение пользоваться справочными и<br>дополнительными источниками информации, делать выбор, принимать быстрые и правильные<br>решения, приобретаются дополнительные языковые навыки. навыки. формирует умения и навыки<br>получения и сравнения информации.</p> Юлдашев Салохиддин Аъзамович Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 268 273 Pedagogical -Psychologisal Methods In Stabilizing The Mental - Emotional State Of Special School Pupils <p>this article studies the development and improvement of methods for stabilizing the<br>mental-emotional state of special school children. In the process of globalization, the system and method of<br>innovative methods in the rehabilitation of the deviant behavior of adolescents, which occurs at high rates<br>throughout the world, as a result of the comparison of world-scale experiences, the ideas and best practices<br>about the implementation of the improved methods and modules are highlighted</p> Abduvaliyeva Mashhura Abduvoxid qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 372 375 Роль Артикуляционной Гимнастики В Коррекции Фонетических Нарушений <p>Данная работа рассматривает роль артикуляционной гимнастики как важнейшего<br>инструмента в коррекции фонетических нарушений у детей. В ней раскрывается значение<br>систематических упражнений для развития и укрепления мышц артикуляционного аппарата,<br>повышения подвижности и точности движений языка, губ, челюсти и мягкого неба. Описываются<br>различные виды артикуляционной гимнастики, их классификация и специфика применения в<br>зависимости от характера фонетического дефекта</p> Саламова Феруза Xакимбековна,Маткаримова Лайло Икром қизи Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 300 302 Accounting Science And Taking Into Account Its Features When Taking Classes <p>The use of modular education in the teaching of science is one of the main issues of the present day due to the<br>expansion of our possibility of practical use of advanced communication-technologies with special attention to advanced forms of<br>teaching in the educational process, the introduction of new pedagogical and information and communication technologies, the<br>development of a distance learning system. Each discipline, including economic sciences, as a specialty discipline, also has its own<br>characteristics of accounting. Only when we take into account the peculiarities of each subject will we choose an effective method<br>of conducting classes, according to which it will be possible to ensure that the student, students, actively participate in the lesson.<br>At the moment in our country, special attention is paid to the education and upbringing of young people. Education has always been<br>the basis of the development of society. Because, a person stands at the center of all relationships, connections in society. Revolution<br>in science and technology and information has made man and his scientific and educational potential a decisive factor in his socioeconomic development. In particular, many works are being carried out to ensure the effective use of the modern material and<br>technical base of the growing generation, established in the field of education today, to revise and improve state educational standards,<br>curricula, educational and methodological literature on directions and specialists in the system of highe r and secondary special<br>education.<br>In the following years, large-scale work is being carried out in our country to create a higher education system in accordance<br>with the prevailing directions of socio-economic development and the requirements of international standards.<br>The problems of ensuring sustainable economic growth, obtaining a worthy place in the distribution of international cocktails,<br>ensuring the competitive tolerance of the national economy depend a lot on the knowledge, qualifications of the workforce, the ability<br>to maintain work depending on the situation, the training of highly qualified, specialist personnel that meet the demand of the time.</p> Siddikov Anvarbek Mamasolievich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 2 10 385 393 Developing Intellectual Skills Of Children In The School Preparation Group <p>This article explores the importance of developing intellectual skills in children attending<br>school preparation groups. It highlights the cognitive, emotional, and social benefits of early intellectual<br>development and discusses effective methods and strategies for fostering these skills. The research aims to<br>provide practical recommendations for educators and parents to create a supportive learning environment. The<br>findings emphasize the necessity of early intellectual engagement in preparing children for academic success<br>and overall development</p> Ergaliyeva Zhanar Aitkaliyevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 262 264 Interpretation Of Lexical-Semantic Tools In The Scope Of Artistic Text <p>Language is the driving force behind the existence of every nation, the spiritual and educational rise of<br>every people. Worrying about the history of our language, today and the next is a task that lies with the science<br>of linguistics. In linguistics, among other disciplines, much attention is paid to modern research. Therefore, the<br>study of the interaction of Sciences is becoming more important. As a result of the study of interdisciplinary<br>relations, a great way is being opened to solve the pressing problems posed before special disciplines. This is<br>a great opportunity to conduct in-depth research on all levels of the Uzbek language. The main unit of the<br>lexical level is the counting word and its meaning is no exception</p> Izbosarova Shakhnoza Bakhriddinovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 369 371 Amir Timur And Our Spirituality Of The Temurian Dynasty Role In The Development <p>In this article, the reforms carried out in the country during the reign of Amir Temur and the<br>Timurid dynasty, their scope, and how important they are for today, and their significance in the development<br>of our spirituality, are explained. Also, relevant recommendations and conclusions are given on this topic.</p> Abdullaeva Ozoda Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 293 296 Organizing The Teaching Process Of The Physics Course Based On Interdisciplinary Connections <p>This article focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of the teaching process on the basis of<br>interdisciplinary connections, drawing on the work carried out at leading centers specializing in pedagogical<br>research. It examines the definitions of interdisciplinary connections provided in the scientific and<br>methodological works of prominent scholars. The concepts of interdisciplinary education and various didactic<br>and methodological approaches are analyzed, and their application in teaching physics is explored. Based on<br>the research findings, a definition of interdisciplinary connections and a schematic representation of how to<br>organize the teaching process using these connections are provided.<br>The article highlights the information-methodological support for improving the effectiveness of teaching<br>physics on the basis of interdisciplinary connections, as well as the ways in which “Natural Sciences” lessons<br>integrate physics knowledge to foster interdisciplinarity. It underscores how the acquired knowledge helps<br>students in future career choices, explores ways to increase the intensity of integration in the pedagogical<br>process, and explains how to develop students’ scientific awareness competencies by explaining physics<br>concepts using related disciplines. The integration of physics with other natural and exact sciences is shown to<br>increase students’ cognitive activity and develop their physics-oriented thinking, thereby making the<br>educational process more effective and engaging. Moreover, a mathematical analysis of the experimental work<br>and the achieved effectiveness in improving the quality of physics education is provided.</p> Boyturayeva Gulbakhor Kamoliddin qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 2 10 398 406 Ways Of Introducing Preschool Children To Nature <p>This article explores effective methods for introducing preschool children to nature,<br>highlighting the importance of early environmental education in child development. It discusses various<br>pedagogical approaches, including experiential learning, storytelling, and play-based activities, that foster<br>curiosity and respect for the natural world. The study also examines the impact of these methods on children's<br>cognitive, emotional, and social growth.</p> Aleuova Raykhan Sharibaevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 259 261 Didactic Conditions For Developing Independent Educational Activity Of Biology Students In An Innovative Educational Environment <p>This article provides information on independent work in modern educational conditions, effective<br>organization of independent learning of students in secondary schools, the main components and content of<br>independent work. It also covers the basic principles, stages and levels of organization of independent work</p> JUMANIYAZOVA SANOBAR КADAMBAEVNA Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 362 365 Educational and Upbringing Process in Preschool Education Institutions <p>This article explores the educational and upbringing process in preschool education<br>institutions, highlighting the importance of holistic development during early childhood. The focus is on<br>pedagogical methods, effective strategies, and the role of educators in shaping cognitive, emotional, and social<br>skills. Through a discussion of various teaching techniques and case studies, the article provides valuable<br>insights for educators and policymakers aiming to improve preschool education systems</p> Seytmuratova Venera Shimbergenovna,Izmuxanova Katsha Bolekbaevna,Yuldasheva Sayyora Rustambayevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 2 10 431 434 Динамика Интеллектуального Потенциала И Внутренних И Внешних Факторов, Влияющих На Интеллект <p>В данной статье анализируются факторы, влияющие на формирование и развитие<br>интеллектуального потенциала человека. Рассматривается влияние биологических, генетических,<br>психологических и социальных факторов на интеллектуальные способности. Исследования<br>показывают, что наследственность, мотивация, развитие умственных процессов и инновационные<br>подходы оказывают значительное влияние на интеллектуальное развитие. Интеллектуальный капитал<br>и инвестиции в образование играют важную роль в повышении интеллектуального потенциала<br>человека. Также анализируется роль высших учебных заведений и значение креативного мышления в<br>обществе.</p> Хамидханов Бoходирхон Комил угли Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 282 286 Increasing The Creative Potential Of Technology Teachers <p>The article focuses on the relevance of the problem of developing the creative activity of<br>technology teachers. The concept of "creative activity" as a socio-pedagogical problem, which carries a<br>semantic load, is discussed. Creativity counts</p> Nabiyeva Xatirakhan Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 382 384 The Effect Of The Universal Feed Additive “Probiocorm” On The Rabbits’ Organism <p>Biotechnology and biotechnology sectors (agricultural biotechnology, food industry<br>biotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology) serve to meet the needs of the population. In particular, the<br>development of rabbit farming in agriculture, obtaining dietary meat products and raw materials for highquality<br>fur from rabbits is of practical importance in providing the population with food products. Therefore,<br>the study of the physiological indicators of the rabbit organism, the dynamics of their development and the<br>study of factors affecting the growth intensity of rabbits are among the current issues</p> Erkinova L.U,G.T.Abdullaeva,K.I.Khidirov Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 297 299 Mahmudkhodja Behbudi’s Contribution To Education And Upbringing <p>This article explores Mahmudkhodja Behbudi’s contributions to educational reforms in Turkestan. As<br>a leading figure of the Jadid movement, Behbudi dedicated significant efforts to modernizing the education<br>system and fostering national consciousness. The study analyzes his educational views, his attempts to integrate<br>traditional and modern knowledge, and his role in promoting gender equality.</p> Muharram Sulaymonova Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 2 10 424 426 Синергетическое Исследование Влияния Процесса Национального Подъема На Социально-Духовное Развитие Общества На Новом Этапе Общественного Развития <p>Отмечено, что синергетическая методология воздействия процесса национального подъема на<br>социально-духовное развитие общества основана на существовании особых подходов к изменению<br>поведения сложных систем. Это означает, что будущее неопределенно и существует неопределенность<br>относительно выбора дальнейших путей развития.</p> Мавлонов Иллохомжон Холмирзаевич Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 274 277 STRUCTURAL MECHANISMS OF THE COURT AND LAW ENFORCEMENT BODIES <p>This article presents ideas and observations on the structural mechanisms of the court and<br>law enforcement bodies</p> Khujamberdiev Khairullo Umetaliyevich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 376 378 Philosophical Views Of Michel Montain <p>The philosophical views of the great French thinker and philosopher Michel Montaigne are<br>scientifically substantiated. Michel Montaigne's «Experiments» laid the foundation for a socio-philosophical<br>movement in world culture. Also, the meaning and fate of Michel Montaigne's philosophy were in most cases<br>studied on the basis of sources that urged people not to be afraid of imminent death. The thinker continues his<br>views, expressing his disagreement with the «generally accepted» dogmas, which are characterized by<br>meaninglessness and emptiness.</p> Muhamedov Asror Asadovich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 309 312 Improving Competitiveness Management Mechanisms In Service Enterprises (A Case Study Of Bukhara Region) <p>This article analyzes the mechanisms for improving competitiveness in service<br>enterprises, with a particular focus on the Bukhara region. It examines the current state of the service sector,<br>identifies key challenges affecting competitiveness, and proposes strategic solutions. The study highlights the<br>role of quality management, technological innovation, human capital investment, marketing strategies, and<br>public-private partnerships in enhancing service enterprise competitiveness. The findings contribute to a better<br>understanding of how service businesses can strengthen their market position and drive sustainable economic<br>growth</p> Barnayev Zarif Sharifovich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 2 10 421 423 Methods Of Musical Education For Young Children <p>Music plays a vital role in early childhood<br>development, fostering cognitive, emotional,<br>social, and physical growth. It has been proven that<br>children exposed to music at a young age show<br>improvements in memory, language acquisition,<br>and creativity. The importance of musical education<br>extends beyond mere entertainment; it lays a<br>foundation for lifelong skills and enhances a child’s<br>overall development. This thesis explores various<br>methods of musical education for young children,<br>emphasizing approaches that nurture creativity,<br>develop motor skills, and promote emotional<br>expression. The focus will be on practical strategies<br>suitable for educators, caregivers, and parents</p> Ibragimova Lizakhan Avezovna,Eliubaeva Khurliman Janabay qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 265 267 Influence Of Synergetic Approach On The Development Of Science <p>In the article, the impact of the synergistic approach on the development of science, the<br>reflection of synergistic ideas in scientific creative activity, its specific features, and its epistemological aspects<br>are philosophically analyzed. It is based on the importance of synergetics as a method of scientific knowledge<br>in revealing and explaining the multivariate aspect of the scientific research process. It is recommended to<br>make wide use of its possibilities in the further development of the field of science and scientific research.</p> Mamadjonova Marvarid Kurbanazarovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 354 357 Психологические Особенности Детей С Алалией <p>Алалия - недоразвитие всех форм<br>речевой деятельности в детском возрасте<br>(относится к врождённым состояниям) т.е.<br>Алали́я (от др.-греч. ἀ- — «отрицательная<br>частица», и λαλιά — «речь») — отсутствие или<br>недоразвитие речи у детей при нормальном<br>слухе и первично сохранном интеллекте;<br>причиной алалии чаще всего являются<br>билатеральные повреждения коры головного<br>мозга при родах, а также мозговые заболевания<br>или травмы, перенесённые ребёнком в<br>доречевой период жизни; тяжёлые степени<br>алалии выражаются у детей полным<br>отсутствием речи или наличием лепетных<br>отрывков слов; в более лёгких случаях<br>наблюдаются зачатки речи, характеризующиеся<br>ограниченностью запаса слов,<br>аграмматизмом, затруднениями в усвоении<br>чтения и письма.</p> Саламова Феруза Xакимбековна,Куантканова Азиза Батыровна Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 303 308 Important Features Of The Implementation Of The Eisenhower Matrix In The Adoption Of Personal Financial Decisions Of Students In Higher Educational Institutions <p>In this scientific study, we consider it advisable to implement the technology of financial<br>management, that is, the Eisenhower Matrix. Because, identifying this matrix with detailed assumptions about<br>how to use it not only in work and in personal matters, but also in the management of personal finance is the<br>main goal of our scientific study</p> N.M.Urunov,M.S.Nishanov,A.X.Asqarov,N.F.Foziljonova ,O.N. Nasrullayev Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 2 10 407 414 Ways Of Introducing Preschool Children To Nature <p>This article explores effective methods for introducing preschool children to nature,<br>highlighting the importance of early environmental education in child development. It discusses various<br>pedagogical approaches, including experiential learning, storytelling, and play-based activities, that foster<br>curiosity and respect for the natural world. The study also examines the impact of these methods on children's<br>cognitive, emotional, and social growth.</p> Aleuova Raykhan Sharibaevna, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 259 261 Formation Of Civil Competencies In Students <p>in this article, on the basis of innovative approaches, issues such as the analysis of<br>pedagogical and psychological aspects of the processes of using the electronic environment in the development<br>of civil and Universal competencies in students, the use of the electronic environment in the development of<br>civil and Universal competencies in students, the improvement of mechanisms for improving the quality and<br>Also cited are the processes of using the electronic environment to promote civic competencies in students by<br>optimizing universal competency requirements for social ordering requirements.</p> Kandaharov Kahramon Hasanovich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 366 368 The Skill Of Opening A Child's Spirit Through Artwork <p>Literary critics, educators, and psychologists around the world unanimously emphasize the ideological<br>importance of children's literature in raising a thoughtful and open-minded generation. Familiarity with<br>children's literature teaches children to think figuratively, refines their tastes, and instills positive emotions in<br>their hearts. Our people, who understood this very well, have since ancient times taught children various poetic<br>verses, verses and prayers from a young age. In modern Uzbek literature, a category of writers has emerged<br>who create exclusively for children.<br>In our country, the education of our future leaders has become an increasingly important task. One of<br>the main factors in improving the quality of education is the instillation of a love of books, science, and<br>especially literary literature, and a desire to read in the minds of the younger generation. As our President<br>Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted, "We must raise young people to be independent and logical thinkers, possessing<br>noble virtues, based on modern knowledge and experience, national and universal values."</p> Mominova Shohida Toshtemir kizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 287 292 Средства Обозначения Количества <p>Количество считается самой необходимой и важной категорией в процессе познания мира.<br>Количество позволяет человеку иметь полную информацию о предметах и событиях. Изменение<br>количественного признака, характерного для предметов, приводит и к изменению качества. Значение<br>количества выражается разными единицами на разных уровнях языка. Поэтому понятие количества<br>всегда было в центре внимания. Учёные изучали его с разных точек зрения.Сегодня количество<br>поднялся на уровень “концепт” и исследуется анропоцентрически.<br>В настоящей статье исследуется языковая категория количества, сочетательные свойства<br>числительных. Рассматриваются различные средства обозначения количества: фонетические,<br>морфологические, лексические и синтаксические. Большое место отведено числительным, их<br>значениям в речи. В статье также анализируется проблема числа, система количественных значений в<br>грамматической структуре языка, лексике, в разных языковых жанрах, в речи и художественных<br>текстах.Отдельно обсуждаются разные значения количественных слов и выражений. Рассмотрено<br>проявление количественных значений на разных языковых уровнях. Специфика числительного<br>раскрывается посредством анализа других частей речи, которые также выражают количественные<br>отношения</p> МАМАДЖАНОВА МУНОЖАТХОН НАЖМИДДИНОВНА Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 2 10 394 397 Digitalization As A Century Phenomenon <p>This article draws attention to the fact that digitization is gaining special importance<br>in terms of further modernization of society and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. In<br>addition, digitalization policy is emphasized, and issues related to the implementation of reforms focusing on<br>building a real digital society are analyzed.</p> Tillavoldiyeva Matlubakhan Kholdarboyevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 183 186 Organizing Sciences In Universal Schools On The Basis Of Innovative Approaches <p>In this article, the introduction of innovative approaches to the teaching of natural<br>(Science) sciences in general education schools and the importance of innovative technologies in ensuring the<br>effectiveness of education is highlighted. Also, the history of innovations, definitions of pedagogic scientists<br>who conducted scientific research on innovative technologies, opinions on important aspects of using<br>innovative technologies in teaching natural sciences are presented.</p> Mamatkulova Nilufar Turabovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 258 361 Jalal Al-Din Rumi's “Masnavi”: A Religious And Moral Work <p>This scholarly article analyzes the spiritual, philosophical, and aesthetic aspects of Jalal al-Din Rumi's<br>major work, Masnavi. The paper explores the pedagogical teachings, moral education, and the cultural and<br>literary influence of Masnavi. Additionally, it discusses various translations of this masterpiece, particularly its<br>Uzbek translation by Jamol Kamol, and highlights its significance. The role of translations in bridging cultural<br>and linguistic differences is also examined. This study provides an in-depth discussion of the impact of Rumi's<br>work on modern educational processes, linguistic aspects of translations, and their cultural importance.</p> Mamura Isakova Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 2 10 427 430 Pedagogical Mechanisms Of Preventing Violations Among Students Of Higher Educational Institutions <p>Most of the socio-political changes and threats that have occurred and are occurring in the<br>world affect young people. The behavior of young people, their psychological crises, and the strength of their<br>mood of discontent are the main reasons why they are at the center of some illegal incidents. Youth crime as a<br>social problem goes back a long historical past. In all eras, the state of criminality among young people has<br>been an integral element of the moral and legal characteristics of society. In particular, students of higher<br>educational institutions, who are considered the front layer of young people, have always been the force that<br>creates such contradictory situations. If we look at world history, protest actions and mass rallies held by<br>students often lead to serious crimes and conflicts.</p> Shamshimetov Timur Tashtemirovich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 278 281 Abdurazzoq Samarkand's Work "Matlaʼ Us-Saʼdayn Va Majma Ul- Bahrayn" As A Historical Source <p>This article discusses the historical significance of Abdurazzaq Samarkand's work "Matla'<br>us-sa'dayn va majma ul-bahrayn" as a historical source, as well as the content of the events of the work</p> Turobova Nilufar Umedullayevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 Effects Of Formative And Summative Assessment In Higher Education <p>Assessment plays a crucial role in higher education by influencing students’ learning experiences, motivation, and academic performance. This article examines the effects of both formative and summative assessment, comparing their impact on student learning outcomes, engagement, and skill development. Through a review of relevant literature, the study highlights best practices in assessment strategies and suggests ways to integrate formative and summative assessments effectively to maximize student success. Two primary forms of assessment—formative and summative—serve distinct purposes within the educational framework. Formative assessment is intended to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback, while summative assessment evaluates student learning at the conclusion of an instructional period (Black &amp; Wiliam, 1998). Understanding the interplay between these assessment types is crucial for improving student outcomes and instructional effectiveness</p> FERUZA TURSUNOVA Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-09 2025-03-09 2 10 323 325 Summary Writing and Plagiarism Prevention: Essential Skills for Academic Success <p>Summary writing and plagiarism prevention are critical skills in academic writing. This article explores<br>the importance of summarizing effectively while maintaining academic integrity. It discusses strategies for<br>avoiding plagiarism, such as paraphrasing, proper citation, and the use of integral and non-integral citations.<br>Examples of summaries with and without plagiarism are provided to illustrate best practices. By adhering to<br>these principles, students can improve their academic writing and avoid ethical pitfalls. The article also delves<br>into the role of academic integrity, the consequences of plagiarism, and practical tips for mastering summary<br>writing.</p> Qurbonbayeva O.R Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 2 10 415 420 Project-Based Learning <p>The article considers project-based learning as a modern educational approach aimed at developing students' key competences of the 21st century. The authors analyse the essence of project-based learning, its advantages and disadvantages, and offer practical recommendations on the organisation of project activities in the educational process. The authors emphasise that project-based learning promotes the formation of students' independence, responsibility, critical thinking, creativity and teamwork skills.</p> Akeshova Nasiba Murzakhanovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 1 5 Stem Education <p>The article considers STEM-education as an innovative ap-proach to learning, which combines science, technology, engineering and mathe-matics. The authors analyse the essence of STEMeducation, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as offer practical recommendations for the implementation of STEM-approach in the educational process. It is emphasised that STEM-education contributes to the formation of critical thinking and creativity in stu-dents.</p> Alimova Yulduzkhon Shukhratovna, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 6 10 The Development Of Giftedness <p>This article explores the issue of developing giftedness in children and adolescents within<br>the contemporary educational landscape. The authors analyze various approaches to defining giftedness,<br>identify factors that contribute to and hinder its development, and offer practical recommendations for creating<br>conditions that enable gifted children to realize their potential. Particular attention is given to the role of the<br>family, educational institutions, and society as a whole in supporting and nurturing gifted children.</p> Babayeva Karlygash Sabetovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 11 15 Social-Emotional Learning <p>The article discusses the importance of social-emotional learning (SEL) in modern education.<br>The authors analyze what SEL is, its main components and principles, and offer specific methods and exercises<br>for developing social and emotional skills in children and adolescents. It is emphasized that SEL is a key factor<br>in successful adaptation to society</p> Baizakova Bakhyt Usenovna, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 16 20 Development Of Critical Thinking <p>The article examines the importance of developing critical think-ing in the modern world.<br>The author analyzes what critical thinking is, its main characteristics and principles, and also suggests specific<br>methods and exercises for its development in children and adults. It is emphasized that critical thinking is a<br>key skill for successful adaptation in the rapidly changing information space and making informed decisions.</p> Mоldashova Akziya Absalamovna,Kahаrmanova Altyna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 21 25 Personalized Learning <p>The article discusses the concept of personalized learning, its significance in the modern<br>educational process, advantages and challenges, as well as ways of implementation. The importance of an<br>individual approach to each student, taking into account their educational needs, interests and pace of learning<br>to achieve maximum results is emphasized.</p> Mоldashova Akziya Absalamovna,Kahаrmanova Altynai, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 31 36 Nurturing Responsibility <p>The article examines the problem of nurturing responsibility in children and adolescents in<br>modern society. The author analyzes various ap-proaches to defining the concept of "responsibility," identifies<br>the factors that in-fluence its formation, and offers practical recommendations for parents and edu-cators on<br>developing this important personality trait. Special attention is paid to the role of the family, educational<br>institutions, and the socio-cultural environment in the process of nurturing responsibility.</p> Rysbekova Lazzat Kasymbekovna,Raimzhanova Shakhrizoda Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 31 43 Formation Of Values <p>The article discusses the process of forming personal values, its significance for individual<br>development and the functioning of society. Various factors influencing the formation of values are analyzed,<br>such as family, education, culture,and personal experience. Particular attention is paid to the role of values in<br>shaping a person's worldview, motivation, and behavior. In conclusion, the importance of purposeful formation<br>of positive values to create a harmonious and sustainable society is emphasized.</p> Yerbosynova Bibigulnar Amalbaevna,Ismatova Sevinch Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 44 48 Gamification In Education <p>The article considers gamification as a modern and effective approach to learning, aimed at<br>increasing the motivation and engagement of students. The authors analyze the essence of gamification, its<br>advantages and disadvantages, and offer practical recommendations for the use of game elements in the<br>educational process. It is emphasized that gamification contributes to the formation of students' interest in<br>knowledge, the development of creative thinking.</p> Zhunisbayeva Zhanar Aytmagambetovna,Raimzhanova Shakhrizoda Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 49 53 Artificial Intelligence In Education <p>The article considers the role of artificial intelligence in the modern educational<br>environment. The article analyses the opportunities offered by the use of artificial intelligence to personalise<br>the educational process, increase the efficiency of learning and improve the quality of education in general.<br>Special attention is paid to the application of artificial intelligence in the creation of adaptive educational<br>platforms, intelligent tutor-systems, as well as in the automation of routine tasks faced by educators. The article<br>also discusses the ethical aspects of introducing artificial intelligence in education and the challenges associated<br>with its use.</p> Dedabaeva Azizakhon Bakhtiyor kizi, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 54 58 Influence Of The Use Of Running And Jumping Equipment On The Physical Development Of Teenage Athletes <p>This article aims to improve the sports results of 13-14-year-old general school students by<br>using effective methods and tools of teaching running and jumping techniques in physical development.<br>Recommendations are given on improving the process of physical education classes and introducing innovative<br>technologies based on science.</p> M.G. Bairbekov Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 59 61 Удаление ионов тяжелых металлов и органических красителей из воды целлюлозой, модифицированной ангидридом <p>Загрязнение водных ресурсов ионов тяжелых металлов и органическими<br>веществами, такими как красители, является одной из самых актуальных экологических проблем, с<br>которыми сталкивается современное общество. Эти загрязнители, попадая в экосистемы, вызывают<br>нарушение биоценозов, а их высокая токсичность угрожает здоровью человека, животных и растений.<br>Одним из наиболее опасных видов загрязнителей являются тяжелые металлы (например, свинец,<br>кадмий, медь и др.), которые способны накапливаться в живых организмах, вызывая тяжелые<br>заболевания и нарушения биологических процессов[1</p> Кудратходжаева Мадина Абдугоффор кизи,Йулдошов Шерзод Абдуллаевич,Гойибназаров Илхом Шухрат угли Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 62 64 Integrating Writing Skills And Reading Skills In Esp Lessons <p>This research paper explores the integration of writing and reading skills in English for Specific<br>Purposes (ESP) education as a means to enhance students' language proficiency within their specialized fields.<br>Recognizing the importance of effective communication in professional contexts, this study investigates how<br>incorporating reading activities can facilitate the development of writing skills among ESP learners. The paper<br>begins with an overview of ESP's significance in language teaching, emphasizing the need for tailored<br>instruction that aligns with students' disciplinary interests and goals. Drawing on a comprehensive literature<br>review, theoretical frameworks related to writing and reading integration are explored, highlighting various<br>models, theories, and approaches that inform instructional practices in ESP contexts.</p> Raxmanova Muxayyo Nabijanovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 65 68 Improving Educational Quality To Enhance Teachers' Pedagogical Skills <p>This article examines the issue of improving educational quality to enhance teachers'<br>pedagogical skills. The methods of enhancing teachers' professional competence through the use of modern<br>technologies, professional development, individualizing the educational process, and introducing innovative<br>teaching methods are discussed. The views of Uzbek scholars and theoretical approaches are analyzed to<br>improve the effectiveness of the educational process</p> Mahmudova Dinora Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-02-22 2025-02-22 2 10 69 71 Addressing The Diverse Needs Of English Language Learners In Mainstream Classrooms <p>This article examines the challenges and effective strategies for addressing the<br>diverse needs of English Language Learners (ELLs) in mainstream classrooms. Each learner has a unique<br>linguistic background, learning style, and level of language proficiency. To ensure equal learning opportunities,<br>educators must implement differentiated instruction and inclusive teaching methods. This article explores<br>common difficulties faced by ELLs, effective teaching approaches, and strategies to support their academic<br>and linguistic development</p> Raimkulova Sitora Takhir kizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 72 73 Cotton Separator Is Separated From The Air Flow Ways To Increase Productivity <p>This research paper discusses the issues of improving the technological process in cotton<br>ginning enterprises and increasing the quality of cotton products by increasing the separation efficiency of<br>the cotton separator .In this research work, the issues of improving the technological process and improving<br>the quality of cotton products in cotton ginning factories by increasing the separation efficiency of the cotton<br>separator were discussed.</p> Mamatkulov Orifjon Tursunovich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 74 78 Hypovitaminos A And D In Young Animals <p>To study the prevalence, economic damage and etiology of hypovitaminosis A and D in young<br>animals in cattle farms of our republic , as well as methods of diagnosing, treating and preventing the disease.</p> Qosimov S.J, Usmonova K. Sh Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 79 84 Analysis Of The Impact Of The Transformation Of State-Owned Enterprises Into Joint-Stock Companies On The Economy: A Comparative Analysis With The Countries Of Central Asia <p>The article analyzes the impact of corporatization of state-owned enterprises on the economy of<br>the Central Asian countries. The article examines the key indicators of the effectiveness of this process, such<br>as GDP growth, investment attraction, job creation and development of corporate governance.<br>Recommendations are given for improving the mechanisms of corporatization and increasing the investment<br>attractiveness of the region</p> Botirov Azamat Akhmedovich,Malikova Ug'iloy Abdurasul qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 85 90 Folklore Examples In Komil Sindarov's "The Investigator: Adventures In Exile" <p>This article analyzes the use of folklore, particularly proverbs, in the work "The Investigator:<br>Adventures in Exile" by Komil Sindarov, a lawyer, associate professor, and author of dozens of books. The<br>article explores the role of proverbs in enhancing the artistic value of the work</p> Kunishova Marjona,Xasanova Mashxura Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 91 93 Ideological And Artistic Interpretation Of Nojiy's Ghazal Poetry <p>This article discusses the ghazals of Qori Muhammadrasul Zubaydullaxo'ja o'g'li Nojiy, a poet who<br>created his works based on classical traditions in the 20th century. The author classifies the ghazals according<br>to their themes and forms. The author analyzes the poet's ghazals in terms of their themes, ideas, meters, and<br>artistry.</p> Eshquvvatova Farangiz Oroljon qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 94 97 The Concept And Essence Of The Concession Agreement <p>In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the procedure for improving the accounting of investments<br>has been regulated to align with the international standards of financial reporting for the preparation of<br>consolidated financial statements.</p> Khasanova Khusnorakhon Fakhriddinovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 98 99 Формирование Творческого Мышления На Уроках Математики В Начальных Классах <p>В статье описывается положительное влияние уроков математики в начальных<br>классах на способность формировать творческое мышление. Представлена информация по проблемам<br>решения задач диагностики и целенаправленного развития творческого мышления у школьников, а<br>также по проблемам общей, возрастной и педагогической психологии.</p> Омонова Угилой Баходировна Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 100 103 Метафоричность И Символизм Кулинарных Терминов В Узбекском Языке. <p>В этой статье обсуждаются кулинарные термины, их метафоричность и<br>символизм в узбекском языке</p> Худаярова Елена Шералиевна Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 104 105 Лингвистическая Особенность Интеграции Юридических Терминов В СМИ <p>В настоящей статье рассматривается вопрос медиатизации юридических терминов<br>в СМИ, в частности в печати, посредством лексического фона. Лексический фон рассматривается как<br>набор ассоциаций, понятий, когнитивной лексики. Общая черта между СМИ и юридическими<br>материалами заключается в сохранении точности.</p> Нигора Тулкуновна Хамидова Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 106 108 Study Of The Plot And System Of Images Of The Novel Genre <p>The article discusses in detail the work of the writer Theodore Dreiser, his place in American<br>literature. Also, the studies on the novel "American Tragedy", the plot and the system of images of the writer<br>are comparatively studied, and general conclusions are drawn. In addition, the images of Clyde Griffiths,<br>Hortense, Roberta, Sondra are analyzed.</p> Rixsimurod Normatov, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 109 116 Prospects For Enhancing The Role Of Democratic Elections In The Development Of Ideological Activities Of Political Parties In The Central Asian Region (Using The Example Of Uzbekistan) <p>In the context of global globalization, the electoral system plays an invaluable role in strengthening<br>democracy. Elections are democratic if they are fair, transparent, and comply with universal electoral standards.<br>In modern societies, the concepts of democracy and elections are closely related. The participation of the people<br>in the formation of state governance is carried out through elections, that is, democratic elections.<br>In Central Asia, and in particular, in Uzbekistan, many reforms have been implemented in recent years<br>to further democratize the electoral system and increase citizen participation and activity in elections. The<br>reforms to improve the electoral system must include increasing the influence of political parties in the society</p> QARSHIYEV NURMUHAMMAD OLIMJONOVICH Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 117 122 Роль Логопедической Ритмики В Формировании Произносительных Компетенций У Дошкольников С Дизартрией <p>Формирование произносительных компетенций у дошкольников является<br>ключевым аспектом в развитии речи во избежание трудностей в повседневной коммуникации и<br>дальнейшей школьной жизни. Своевременное формирование произносительных компетенций<br>необходимо уже в дошкольном возрасте, так как именно устная речь является средством познания и<br>общения. Кроме того, работа по выявлению и преодолению данных нарушений носит<br>предупреждающий характер по устранению нарушений произношения, снимает негативные<br>психологические наслоения, такие как закомплексованность, неуверенность в себе, застенчивость,<br>отсутствие ораторского искусства и т.д. Для детей дошкольного возраста с дизартрией характерны<br>смазанное, нечеткое звукопроизношение, ускоренный или замедленный темп речи, нарушение<br>голосообразования, речевого дыхания, также нарушения моторики мышц артикуляционного аппарата<br>в виде изменения, ограничения объема их произвольных движений, нарушение координации,<br>различного рода синкинезии, тремор, гиперкинезы языка, губ. В статье рассматриваются работы Г.А.<br>Волковой, М.Ю. Картушиной и других современных ученых и педагогов-практиков, подтверждавших<br>эффективность использования средств логопедической ритмики в логопедической работе с детьми при<br>различных речевых нарушениях</p> Азизбек Тажимуратов Жаксимуратович Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 123 129 Rubaiyats Of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur <p>The article studies and analyzes Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, who left an indelible mark<br>on the history of Uzbek literature, and some of his rubaiyats that played a significant role in his productive<br>work</p> Usmankulova E’zoza,Xasanova Mashxura Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 130 134 Important Factors In Child Upbringing: The Role Of Family, Environment, And Education <p>This article examines the factors that influence child upbringing, the role of the environment,<br>the education system, and the family environment. It also analyzes the unique characteristics of child<br>upbringing, the psychological and pedagogical approaches in shaping the child as an individual, and offers<br>several recommendations.</p> Mardiyev Jamshid Shavkatjonovich Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 135 136 The Set Of Irrational Numbers: A Key Component Of The Real Number System <p>This article examines the set of irrational numbers, a critical component of the real number<br>system characterized by numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions of integers. Represented as \(<br>\mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q} \), irrational numbers include notable examples such as \(\pi\) and<br>\(\sqrt{2}\). The paper explores the defining properties of irrational numbers, including their non-terminating,<br>non-repeating decimal expansions, their density on the real number line, and their uncountable infinity.<br>Historical developments, from the Pythagoreans' discovery of irrational numbers to modern mathematical<br>advancements, are discussed. The article also highlights the importance of irrational numbers in various<br>mathematical and scientific fields, including geometry, calculus, and physics. By examining their theoretical<br>and practical implications, the article underscores the fundamental role of irrational numbers in understanding<br>and applying the real number system.</p> Rahimova Barnogul Oqboyevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 137 139 Conceptual Aspects Of Inclusive Education In General Secondary Institutions <p>The article talks about the importance of creating an inclusive environment for students<br>who need special education in society and how this process is carried out in the educational system. The legal,<br>scientific and pedagogical and social foundations of inclusive education are studied, emphasizing<br>psychological and pedagogical support for the integration of students with special educational needs into<br>society. The article also examines the necessary training and its obstacles for pedagogical personnel in the<br>implementation of inclusive education.</p> Umaralieva Mukhayya Abdugaparovna, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 140 144 Development Of Social Competence Of Preschool Children On The Basis Of National Education <p>&nbsp;Knowledge instilled in the mind of a preschool child and spiritual values determine his<br>future life due to mutual and family relations, caring for loved ones effective use of national educational<br>methods and advanced achievements of modern pedagogues in children's education is important in forming a<br>harmoniously developed child's personality</p> Sadikova Shoista Akbarovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 145 148 Development Of Management Competencies In Students <p>The increasingly fierce competition in the labor market requires a modern specialist not only<br>to have specialized knowledge, skills, and experience but also to demonstrate certain social qualities. A<br>specialist is considered a representative of a work team, a micro- or macro-group. According to modern<br>requirements, a specialist must be able to present themselves as an organizer, initiator, and leader in their<br>professional activities. At the same time, they must not only positively influence their colleagues and group<br>members with their positive qualities but also possess the skills to manage them.Furthermore, the relevance of<br>managerial competencies is heightened by the specialist’s potential future role as a leader. The article<br>discusses the essence of the concept of “management competence”, its theoretical description, as well as the<br>qualities reflected in its foundation.</p> Sh.A. Aripova Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 149 153 Organization Of Physical Education Lessons And After-Lesson Club Activities In Inclusive Education <p>This article analyzes the importance of physical education classes and after-school clubs in<br>educational organizations with inclusive education, as well as current problems in organizing the process of<br>classes and clubs. Proposals and recommendations have been developed to create full-fledged conditions for<br>young people with disabilities to engage in adaptive physical education and sports in educational organizations.</p> Olimjon Shodiev Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 154 158 The Representation Of Nature-Related Imagery In The Works Of Abdulla Oripov <p>Abdulla Oripov, one of the most prominent poets in Uzbek literature, integrates nature-related imagery<br>in his poetry as a means of reflecting human emotions, national identity, and philosophical thoughts. His poetic<br>depiction of nature extends beyond traditional descriptions, incorporating elements of folklore, classical<br>literary traditions, and modern poetic sensibilities. Oripov employs nature as a symbolic medium to express<br>existential themes, patriotism, and ethical concerns. His use of natural elements—rivers, mountains, trees, and<br>celestial bodies—serves as metaphors for human experiences, national consciousness, and spiritual quests. The<br>poet’s deep engagement with nature also resonates with traditional Turkic and Islamic worldviews, where the<br>environment plays a central role in shaping cultural identity. This article explores Oripov’s unique approach to<br>nature-related imagery, analyzing its poetic functions, symbolic depth, and its role in enriching the thematic<br>and stylistic dimensions of his works.</p> Toshtemirova Dilbar Bozarovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 159 162 Characteristics Of Determination Of The Biosphere’s Ecological Balance By Spiritual And Moral Factors <p>The article analyzes aspects of the biosphere’s ecological balance related to spiritual and moral factors and<br>issues of their interconnection. The role of human spirituality and moral values in ensuring the stability of the<br>biosphere, the importance of ecological consciousness and culture are highlighted. The influence of spiritual<br>and moral factors in solving ecological problems, their determining characteristics and mechanisms are<br>investigated. The role and prospects of spiritual and moral development of society in maintaining the balance<br>of the biosphere are also considered</p> Maksud Nazarov, Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 163 167 Motives For Teaching English Medical Terminology <p>Teachers of English as a second or foreign language face a difficult task when teaching English to medical<br>students. Furthermore, both teachers and students encounter significant challenges in teaching and<br>understanding medical terminology. Teachers struggle to express concepts camouflaged in terminology from<br>languages other than English, such as Greek and Latin, which are part of the Indo-European and Romance<br>language families. As a result, children are frightened by lengthy and intricate terminology, and they fail to<br>speak, spell, and comprehend foreign words. The current study paper investigates the difficulties that medical<br>students have in understanding medical terminology. It gives children a variety of learning methodologies</p> Sobirova Dilorom Haydaraliyevna,Asqarova Komila Ergashevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 168 170 Pedagogical Conditions For The Formation Of Environmental Competences Among Students <p>This article discusses a wide range of issues, such as the organization of classes on environmental<br>protection and the development of environmental literacy of students, their systematization based on the<br>education system. The article is based on the fact that the educational process of students can be organized on<br>the basis of the development of environmental competence.</p> Mirzaeva Nodira Abdukhamidovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 171 174 The Issues Of Speech And Oratory In The Works Of Alisher Navoi <p>The article discusses the views of Alisher Navoi on the word, its divinity, the culture of<br>speech and its importance. Somments on Alisher Navoi’s views on the characteristics and disasters of language,<br>the qualities of rational use of language.<br>In the article has analyzed Alisher Navoi’s «Mahbub ul-qulub», «Arba'in» works and determined their<br>role in the history of oratory and art of speech, including giving them a scientific-theoretical assessment.<br>Since the writers directly dealt with both theoretical and practical issues of speech, they<br>have also made great strides in this regard. And the samples of literary they had created are invaluable<br>masterpieces of the art of speech.<br>The analysis also provides a great opportunity to determine the role and importance they hold in the<br>history of the art of world oratory. The comparative analysis of the writers' opinions with folklore materials<br>and other written sources allows us to identify their peculiarities in this regard and to determine their significant<br>contribution to the development of not only Uzbek and Turkish, but also world oratory. This reflects the<br>peculiarities of the dialogue of different types of cultures. These cases provide rich material for drawing<br>appropriate scientific and theoretical conclusions from them</p> Hikmatkhon Tursunovna Ahmedov Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 175 178 Practical Aspects Of Preparing Future Teachers For Professional Socialization Of Students <p>This article covers the practical aspects of preparing future teachers for professional<br>socialization of students. The article also presents opinions on the choice of profession and its pedagogical and<br>psychological aspects, the main tasks of preparing future teachers for professional socialization of students.</p> Makhkamova Dilafruz Aliyevna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 179 182 Legalization Of Criminal Proceeds: National Risk Assessment Methods <p>This article analyzes the issues related to assessing the risks of money laundering at the<br>national level. It examines the factors that pose threats to the national economy and financial system, risk<br>assessment methods, and preventive measures. Furthermore, the importance of legal measures, financial<br>monitoring, and international cooperation in mitigating national-level risks is discussed.</p> Sh.G.Xomidov Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 187 189 Interpretation Of Phonetic And Morphological Changes In Bukhara Dialects <p>Every era presents new challenges and demands to science based on societal needs and the progress of<br>knowledge. The resolution of these challenges, in turn, leads to the emergence of new ones, which is the<br>essence of progress. In the study of the Uzbek language as a system, distinguishing between language and<br>speech and identifying the purely Turkic features of Uzbek has become a fundamental issue. The resolution of<br>these initial problems paves the way for further research. Although A. Nurmonov has conducted studies on the<br>morphophonology of the Uzbek literary language, Uzbek dialects, which are rich in morphophonological<br>phenomena, have not been sufficiently explored. The study of the morphophonological system of Uzbek<br>dialects provides broader insights into the phonetics and morphology of these dialects.</p> Asatullayeva Dilnavoz Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 190 192 Modern Strategies For Language Acquisition And Mastery Techniques <p>This article examines the effectiveness of innovative approaches in language learning,<br>including artificial intelligence, immersion, gamification, and communicative methods. It highlights how<br>modern technologies enhance vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, and listening comprehension. The study<br>evaluates the integration of these methods into Uzbekistan's education system and their impact on students’<br>language proficiency. Research findings confirm that innovative methodologies significantly improve learning<br>outcomes compared to traditional approaches, emphasizing the need for further technological advancements<br>in language education</p> Sayfullayeva Malika Nasriddinovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 193 196 Psychological Characteristics Of The Manifestation Of Fear In A Person <p>This article talks about the concept of fear, its types, causes and various<br>recommendations for overcoming fear, psychological characteristics of the manifestation of fear in a person.<br>Fear is a familiar feeling for everyone. He is to us has more impact than meets the eye. Strong fear "perception<br>creates the effect of "tunnel", that is, it sharply limits the individual's perception, moral norms, thinking and<br>freedom of choice. In addition, fear limits the freedom of behavior of a person.</p> Sadullayeva Sevara Maksudbekovna Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 197 199 Expression Of Views On The Artistic Character Of Novels In World Literature <p>This article analyzes the formation and development of the novel genre from the point of<br>view of literary studies. The work discusses Wallis Watt's views on the novel, the specific features of the<br>movements of romanticism, realism and naturalism, and their influence on literature. It also examines the<br>principles of realism and naturalism in the truthful depiction of life, the relationship of man with the social<br>environment, and deterministic approaches. The social, cultural, and philosophical foundations of the novel<br>genre are highlighted, and its role and significance in the literary process are revealed.</p> Ubaydullayeva Rayhon Abdujalil qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 200 204 Психологическое Влияние Игры На Психическое Развитие Дошкольников <p>В данной статье речь идет о роли игровой деятельности в процессе роста<br>дошкольника, развития его психики, т. е. в процессах формирования его речи, мышления, вступления<br>в общение</p> Умаралиева (Мухаммаджонова) Хадичахан Хусанджон кизи,Хакимжонова Мастона Бурхонжон кизи Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 205 208 Инновационные Методы Преподавания Лёгкой Атлетики В Вузах Узбекистана <p>В данной статье рассматриваются инновационные методы преподавания лёгкой атлетики в<br>вузах Узбекистана, направленные на повышение эффективности образовательного процесса и<br>мотивации студентов. Анализируются современные подходы, включая цифровые технологии,<br>интерактивные платформы и дистанционные формы обучения. Проведён педагогический эксперимент,<br>результаты которого подтверждают эффективность внедрения инновационных методик. Выявлены<br>основные трудности, связанные с модернизацией учебного процесса, и предложены пути их<br>преодоления. Полученные результаты могут быть полезны для преподавателей физической культуры<br>и разработчиков образовательных программ.</p> Саруханов Арсен Альбертович Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 209 212 Использование Национальных Игр Тюркских Народов В Системе Физического Воспитания От Традиций К Современным Методам <p>В данной статье рассматриваются инновационные методы преподавания лёгкой атлетики в<br>вузах Узбекистана, направленные на повышение эффективности образовательного процесса и<br>мотивации студентов. Анализируются современные подходы, включая цифровые технологии,<br>интерактивные платформы и дистанционные формы обучения. Проведён педагогический эксперимент,<br>результаты которого подтверждают эффективность внедрения инновационных методик. Выявлены<br>основные трудности, связанные с модернизацией учебного процесса, и предложены пути их<br>преодоления.</p> Саруханов Арсен Альбертович Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 213 216 Психолого-Педагогические Аспекты Мотивации Студентов К Занятиям Физической Культуры <p>В статье рассматриваются психолого-педагогические аспекты формирования мотивации<br>студентов к занятиям физической культурой. Анализируются факторы, влияющие на мотивацию, и<br>предлагаются педагогические условия, способствующие ее повышению. Особое внимание уделяется<br>индивидуально-дифференцированному подходу и созданию благоприятной социокультурной среды в<br>учебном заведении</p> Саруханов Арсен Альбертович Kh Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 217 220 Значение Речи В Психологическом Развитии Дошкольников <p>В данной статье рассматривается содержание общения в дошкольном возрасте, его<br>мотивы, коммуникативные навыки и процессы формирования речи, мышления, вступления в общение<br>в процессе развития дошкольника, развития его психики</p> Умаралиева (Мухаммаджонова) Хадичахан Хусанджон кизи Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 221 224 Факторы Влияющие На Темперамент У Подростков <p>В данной статье проанализированы факторы, влияющие на формирование темперамента<br>подростка. Согласно исследованиям, темперамент развивается под влиянием биологических,<br>психологических и социальных факторов. Среди биологических факторов основную роль играют<br>генетическая наследственность и особенности нервной системы. Семейное окружение и стили<br>воспитания, с другой стороны, играют важную роль в формировании темперамента подростка. Также<br>на темперамент существенное влияние оказывают отношения со сверстниками, школьная среда и<br>стрессоустойчивость.</p> Умаралиев Музаффарджон Мухаммаджон углы Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 225 227 Психологические Особенности Формирования Гендерных Стереотипов В Подростковом Возрасте <p>В статье речь идет об интенсивном и неравномерном росте и развитии детского организма в<br>подростковом возрасте, об изменениях, которые происходят в организме подростка в процессе<br>интенсивного роста организма, совершенствования мышечного аппарата и окостенения скелета, о<br>формировании стереотипов, психологическом развитии подростков и различиях и отношениях между<br>мальчиками и девочками</p> Умаралиев Музаффарджон Мухаммаджон углы Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 228 231 Ознакомление Дошкольников С Природой И Роль Воспитателя <p>В статье рассматривается вопросы ознакомления детей дошкольного возраста с природой,<br>значение процесса ознакомления детей с природой, анализируется учения великих мыслителей<br>Востока, излогается выводы исследовательских работ по формированию у дошкольников<br>ответственного отношения к окружающей среде, рассматривается значение воспитания у детей<br>интереса к познанию живой и неживой природы</p> Султонова Нурхон Анваровна,Умарова Барнохон Абдумажидовна Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 232 236 The Importance Of Musical Art In The Development Of Preschool Children <p>The article talks about the education of preschool children, one of the types of art in their development,<br>the place and importance of musical art. It details the role of music education in a child's life, its impact on<br>other processes, and the asisy tasks of providing music education.</p> Ortiqova Nazokat Ortigali qizi,Nabiyeva Muslimakhon Khusanjon qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 237 240 Значение Интеллектуальных Игр В Формировании И Развитии Экологического Сознания У Детей Дошкольного Возраста <p>Эта статья посвящена интеллектуальным играм, которые очень успешно развивают детский ум<br>в формировании экологического сознания у детей дошкольного возраста. Основная цель такого рода<br>интеллектуальных игр - расширить кругозор детей, сконцентрировать логическое мышление и,<br>конечно же, развить полезные привычки у наших детей.</p> Назирова Гузал Маликовна ,Хамзалиева Гулноза Дилмуроджон кизи - Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 2 10 241 245 Гастрономические Метафоры И Идиомы В Итальянском Языке <p>Статья посвящена исследованию гастрономических метафор и идиом в итальянском языке.<br>Рассматриваются их семантика, культурные коннотации и особенности употребления в современном<br>языке. Особое внимание уделено сравнению с русскими аналогами, что позволило выявить<br>универсальные и уникальные черты пищевых образов в двух культурах. Показано влияние<br>исторических традиций и современных медиаплатформ на эволюцию гастрономической метафорики в<br>итальянском языке</p> Келдиёрова Севинч Жасуровна Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 246 251 Opportunities Teaching English To Students Of The Preparatory Group For School <p>Instructing English to youngsters in the preparatory group for school offers several opportunities<br>to establish foundational language skills, promote cognitive development, and improve early communication<br>abilities. At this point, children are exceptionally responsive to new languages, rendering it an optimal time to<br>learn English through interactive, play-based approaches. Interactive storytelling, music, games, and visual<br>aids produce an immersive atmosphere that promotes natural language acquisition. Collaborative storytelling,<br>music, games, and visual aids produce an immersive atmosphere that promotes natural language acquisition.<br>Additionally, integrating English into everyday activities supports vocabulary retention and comprehension.<br>The use of modern technology, including educational apps and multimedia resources, further enhances learning<br>by making lessons more interactive and enjoyable. This paper explores effective strategies, challenges, and<br>potential benefits of early English education, emphasizing the role of a well-structured curriculum in preparing<br>young learners for future academic success</p> Asiljonova Shohsanam Doniyor qizi Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-02 2025-03-02 2 10 252 258 The Current State Of The Methodology Of Developing Communication Competence In Students In The Process Of Teaching The English Language <p>This article presents ideas on the development of communication culture in English among students of primary education</p> Hayrullayeva is Nilufarkhan Azamjon's daughter Copyright (c) 2025 American Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 2 10 312 315