Main Research Areas Of Scientists Of The Khorazm Academy Of Ma'muna


  • Gularam Kamilovna Masharipova uzbek


The article presents information on the main research areas of the sources of scientists of the Khorezm Academy of Ma'mun. Everyone knows that scientists of this period worked in many areas, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, ethnography, medicine, history, literature, ethics, philosophy. The article examines the views on social relations, science, education, lifestyle and social life in the historical and philosophical heritage of scientists of the Khorezm Academy of Mamun, the dialectic of the natural science paradigm and the ontological views of Abu Nasr ibn Iraq and Based on the sources, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Neoplatonic elements in the ontological teaching of Abu Ali ibn Sina, the classification of sciences, the humanistic nature of ethical views and their influence on the development of historical and philosophical thinking were scientifically studied and analyzed.


