Accounting Science And Taking Into Account Its Features When Taking Classes


  • Siddikov Anvarbek Mamasolievich uzbek


The use of modular education in the teaching of science is one of the main issues of the present day due to the
expansion of our possibility of practical use of advanced communication-technologies with special attention to advanced forms of
teaching in the educational process, the introduction of new pedagogical and information and communication technologies, the
development of a distance learning system. Each discipline, including economic sciences, as a specialty discipline, also has its own
characteristics of accounting. Only when we take into account the peculiarities of each subject will we choose an effective method
of conducting classes, according to which it will be possible to ensure that the student, students, actively participate in the lesson.
At the moment in our country, special attention is paid to the education and upbringing of young people. Education has always been
the basis of the development of society. Because, a person stands at the center of all relationships, connections in society. Revolution
in science and technology and information has made man and his scientific and educational potential a decisive factor in his socioeconomic development. In particular, many works are being carried out to ensure the effective use of the modern material and
technical base of the growing generation, established in the field of education today, to revise and improve state educational standards,
curricula, educational and methodological literature on directions and specialists in the system of highe r and secondary special
In the following years, large-scale work is being carried out in our country to create a higher education system in accordance
with the prevailing directions of socio-economic development and the requirements of international standards.
The problems of ensuring sustainable economic growth, obtaining a worthy place in the distribution of international cocktails,
ensuring the competitive tolerance of the national economy depend a lot on the knowledge, qualifications of the workforce, the ability
to maintain work depending on the situation, the training of highly qualified, specialist personnel that meet the demand of the time.


