The Issues Of Speech And Oratory In The Works Of Alisher Navoi


  • Hikmatkhon Tursunovna Ahmedov uzbek


The article discusses the views of Alisher Navoi on the word, its divinity, the culture of
speech and its importance. Somments on Alisher Navoi’s views on the characteristics and disasters of language,
the qualities of rational use of language.
In the article has analyzed Alisher Navoi’s «Mahbub ul-qulub», «Arba'in» works and determined their
role in the history of oratory and art of speech, including giving them a scientific-theoretical assessment.
Since the writers directly dealt with both theoretical and practical issues of speech, they
have also made great strides in this regard. And the samples of literary they had created are invaluable
masterpieces of the art of speech.
The analysis also provides a great opportunity to determine the role and importance they hold in the
history of the art of world oratory. The comparative analysis of the writers' opinions with folklore materials
and other written sources allows us to identify their peculiarities in this regard and to determine their significant
contribution to the development of not only Uzbek and Turkish, but also world oratory. This reflects the
peculiarities of the dialogue of different types of cultures. These cases provide rich material for drawing
appropriate scientific and theoretical conclusions from them


