Radiological Characteristics Of Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonia
The article is devoted to specific signs of non-specific interstitial pneumonia revealed by using
radiation diagnostic methods. The material was a retrospective analysis of case histories of 200 patients with
non-specific interstitial pneumonia who were hospitalized in the pulmonology department of the Samarkand
City Medical Hospital. All patients underwent general clinical standards of research according to ICD-10, in
addition, all underwent high-resolution X-ray and computed tomography. All patients underwent highresolution CT for the purpose of differential diagnosis. In this case, typical signs of non-specific interstitial
pneumonia were revealed, including a decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue according to the "ground
glass" type, traction bronchiectasis and bronchioloectasis, thickening of the interlobular septa, and a decrease
in the volume of the lower lobes. In particular, it was noted that for patients with the cellular subtype, the
prevalence of "ground glass" and the absence of "honeycomb lung" is typical, and with the fibrous or mixed
subtype, all four main radiological syndromes are expressed simultaneously to varying degrees, as well as
(often, but not always) "honeycomb lung". The presence of symmetrical thin subpleural stripes of preserved
lung tissue, followed by reticular and inflammatory changes, was established.