Training Of Mathematic Students In Scientific Research Methods Based On The Solution Of A Complex Of Geometric Problems
descriptive geometry, projective thinking, stereographic thinking, logical- semantic constructions, computer geometry, information media..Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of visualization of abstract knowledge. In the Soviet secondary school, there was always an attitude toward the development of thinking, and its forms were different. Geometry, as the main bearer of the ideas of logic and figurative representation of abstract mathematical objects, had its rightful place in the system of mathematical education. Now, due to the transformations of the end of the last century in the USSR and the search for optimal development in the former Soviet republics, a natural experiment has taken place and the harmfulness of hasty decisions made by some ministries of education has become obvious. The article explicitly declares the need to restore geometry to its “rights” both in the school course and in pedagogical institutes.
The article was prepared on the basis of a report submitted on October 10, 2019 at a meeting of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Seminar “Advanced Ideas in the Teaching of Mathematics in Russia and Abroad” at Moscow State Regional University.
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