Methods Of Teaching Gymnastic Exercise Techniques To Senior Class Students


  • Karimov Duysenbay Djienbaevitch Associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajinyoz Author


Gymnastics, cognitive, concentration, empathy, depression.


This article discusses the importance of teaching gymnastics to elementary school students, highlighting the various benefits it offers in terms of physical fitness, cognitive development, social interaction, and moral well-being, and how to introduce gymnastics to students. explores the multifaceted benefits of training, emphasizing its impact on physical and cognitive growth.


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Umarov MN Gymnastics. Study guide / "VNESHINVESTPROM" publishing house - T.: 2015. - 400 p.

Umarov MN, Ishtaev DR Formation of professional-pedagogical knowledge and skills in gymnastics class (educational and methodological manual). UzSIPE publishing house, - T.: 2010 -107 p


