Application Of Interactive Methods In The Theory And Methodology Of Physical Education


  • Sanjar Habibullayevich G‘afforov Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences and Physical Culture of the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry Author


physical education. interactive methods, student, puzzle, consciousness, instructiveness, scientific character, principle of thorough assimilation.


The article scientifically substantiates the use of interactive methods in the theory and methodology of physical education. It is advisable to construct the stages of the didactic process in a certain sequence, to organize the cognitive activity of students using selected teaching methods in accordance with the goals set for the subject. Teaching methods, by their nature and content, belong to one or another classification based on a certain pedagogical theory. Thinking about their effectiveness, society should introduce in schools (vocational colleges, higher education institutions) a principle that ensures the joint activities of a teacher and a student who are able to monitor the learning process and purposefully direct it. take into account the degree of achievement of the goal.


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