Ethical Considerations in Dance Composition


  • Pirlepesova Zibash Umirzakovna Lecturer at the Faculty of Management of the Choreographic, Urgench branch of the Uzbek State Academy of Choreography Author


Ethical considerations, dance composition, choreography, moral principles, values, cultural appropriation, representation, consent, treatment of dancers.


Ethical considerations in dance composition are crucial for ensuring that the creative process and the final performance uphold principles of fairness, respect, and integrity. Choreographers and dancers must be mindful of potential ethical dilemmas that may arise during the creation and presentation of dance works. One important aspect of ethical considerations in dance composition is cultural appropriation. This involves the respectful and responsible use of elements from different cultures in choreography, avoiding misrepresentation or exploitation. Choreographers should strive to engage with cultural practices in a way that honors their origins and meaning, rather than appropriating them for superficial or commercial purposes.


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