Linguistic Foundations Of Teaching A Foreign Language To Elementary School Students


  • Narshabaeva Aliya Yumutbaevna Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz , associate professor of English language and literature department Author
  • Dosmambetova Muyassar Abrarovna 1st year student of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz Author


linguistic foundations, foreign language instruction, elementary school, language acquisition, language proficiency, comprehensible input, language output, language skills integration, language awareness, authentic contexts, cultural competence, individual differences, assessment, feedback.


This article explores the linguistic foundations of teaching a foreign language to elementary school students. It discusses key principles and strategies that educators can employ to support language acquisition and proficiency in young learners. The article emphasizes the importance of providing comprehensible input, encouraging language output, integrating language skills, fostering language awareness, creating authentic contexts for learning, promoting cultural competence, addressing individual differences, and providing assessment and feedback. By understanding and implementing these linguistic foundations, teachers can create a supportive and effective learning environment that facilitates language development and cultural understanding among elementary school students.


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Yumutbaevna AN Pedagogical Conditions for the Organization of a Culture of Interethnic Communication in Students // JournalNX . - T. 7. – no. 07. – S. 55-56.


