Paranormal Interpretation Of The Episode Of Khizr Alayh Salaam
image, plot, detail, episode, paranormal episode, character, chronotope, motive, cult, animal spring, era, lick.Abstract
In this article, the story of one of the leading representatives of modern Uzbek prose, Isajon Sultan, titled "Hazrati Khizr Izidan" is analyzed, and attention is paid to the issue of the genesis of the image of Khizr alayhissalam, which is widespread in the folklore of Turkic peoples due to its longevity and usefulness. The continuous continuation of episodes about Khizr alayhissalam in modern Uzbek literature is shown by the examples of Togay Murad's stories "People walking on the moon" and Luqman Borikhan's "The Guard of the Stream or the Boy Who Khizr Saw". The religious-educational, social-psychological, artistic-aesthetic factors of the paranormal episodes that appeared in connection with this image were discussed..
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